Strength training and nutrition simplified, so you get maximum results in minimum time.

Losing fat, toning up, or just getting stronger and improving your health isn’t complicated and doesn’t require you to do “everything.” In fact, it’s not that you’re not working hard enough. It’s that you’re doing too much that’s the problem. 

You’re about to discover why doing LESS is the answer to building a better body.

No, this isn’t a gimmick. It’s entirely possible to achieve extraordinary results (e.g., lose fat, get stronger, increase your self-confidence to new levels) without spending a lot of time working out and thinking about food. You just have to do the bare essentials, and forget about everything else.

That means less stress and frustration and MORE results that you can maintain long-term.

Better Body by Minimalism is a complete guide that provides the bare essentials (of strength training, nutrition, and other important components shown below) so you can achieve extraordinary results AND save time.

Let’s go over what Better Body by Minimalism is, everything that’s included, and how it will take you through, step-by-step, to achieve extraordinary results with the bare essentials.

Building the body you want (and can maintain long-term!) is simpler than ever.

  • “This fits my life … This is what I needed to save my sanity.” -Sara E.
  • "I'm stronger than I've been in my entire life, and I'm not done." -Kelly M.
    Kelly M.

Why Doing LESS Is The Answer

Trying to do too much is a recipe for disaster, especially when it comes to transforming your body AND maintaining the results long-term. It's like trying to juggle 15 balls at once. Sure, you may keep them in the air for a few seconds but, eventually, many are going to fall to the ground.

If you only had to juggle with two or three, it'd be much easier.

The point is this: Most people, when they commit to improving their health, losing fat, or just building a better looking body, do too damn much at once. You follow a rigid diet that has a huge list of rules (e.g., eat this, don't eat this, eat at this time, eat these combinations, eat this number of calories, eat this many grams of protein, take this supplement, etc.) and combine that with a grueling, time consuming workout program.

The result: Your life revolves around your diet and your workout schedule and you have 20+ items to check off your to-do list every day, and this is in addition to living your life (going to work, hanging out with friends, taking care of your family, etc).

Here's a visual to bring this together. When you try to do a whole bunch of things all at once, you don't make much progress with any. toomuch But, when you focus on doing just a few things, you make TREMENDOUS progress. few This is the power of focusing on the bare essentials. You have just a few things to do, and you make a lot of progress.

More progress. Less stress. More time. Less frustration.

THAT is the power of embracing the minimalist approach to losing fat, improving your health, getting stronger, or transforming your body in any other way.

Finally Achieve Long-Lasting Results

Want to build the body you want AND maintain those results long-term? Want to do so without wasting time or dealing with unnecessary stress from a complicated routine or strict diet?

Want to experience how simple (and enjoyable) building the body you want really is?

Then Better Body by Minimalism is for you.

Here are just a few of the wonderful benefits you'll discover with the better body by minimalism approach:

minnutNutrition - for the sake of building a better body and improving your health - is not complicated. You don't need to diet or follow strict rules, and you don't even need to have "forbidden" foods or food groups. See how simple and stress-free nutrition truly is with the 7 Minimalist Nutrition Guidelines that turn into sustainable, enjoyable, lifestyle habits.


mintimeYou don't have to spend a ton of time every week working out. What matters most is that you use the best exercises, the best workout templates, and improve your performance consistently. You'll do so with four done-for-you strength training routines.

Save time! Time is our most precious resource, and you don't have to waste any. Save time with done-for-you minimalist workouts, nutrition principles that turn into effortless, enjoyable habits (never diet again), and other minimalist principles.


Build a better body. One of the first things discussed in Better Body by Minimalism is what a "better body" really is. Here's a huge hint: you'll achieve MORE than just a leaner, healthier body. The minimalist method also leads to greater self-confidence, body image, and other amazing benefits.


minnostressNo unnecessary stress, guilt, or confusion. Many health and fitness regimens are incredibly stressful because they're so complicated, but no more. You'll get the bare essentials - the few BIG things - necessary to produce extraordinary results. More results without unnecessary stress or guilt.


Here's a handy little chart that reveals the benefits of following the minimalist approach to health and fitness better body by minimalism benefits Those may sound like overblown promises, so allow me to explain.

How will you have more time? Because you'll perform fewer, shorter workouts. You'll also save time because you won't constantly be thinking about, or prepping, food. You know exactly what I'm talking about. Wouldn't you like to just know the simple, effective way to eat that doesn't cause you to constantly think about what, when, and how much you're going to eat?

How will you have more money? Because you won't be buying useless, expensive supplements. And if you choose to work out at home with the minimalist workouts, you won't need to pay for a gym membership. AND because you'll develop simple, sustainable, diet-free eating habits, you won't need to buy another diet book. :)

How will you achieve MORE results? Because you'll only do the few, BIG things that produce the majority of the results. And because the minimalist way is so simple, you're more likely to be consistent. Consistency is what produces results you can maintain long-term. Not to mention, this is actually a fun process. You won't be miserable, deprived, exhausted, or dieting. You'll perform empowering workouts and simple, enjoyable eating guidelines. These things equal more results.

How will you increase your self confidence? Because the workouts and nutrition information in Better Body by Minimalism is so simple to apply. It's designed to EMPOWER you and make your life more awesome. Rest assured that Better Body by Minimalism is about becoming the best version of yourself, making you proud of what your body can do, and helping you reach the aesthetic goals you desire.

How is it Possible to Build a Better Body, the Minimalist Way?

You don't have to work out every day or follow complicated diets to build a better body, and contrary to popular belief, building a better body by minimalism is not just about minimalist workouts and doing the bare minimum.

If you want maximum results from the bare essentials you MUST do the following five things.

1) Use the Best Strength Training Programs

There's no way around this one. If you want maximum results from minimalist workouts, you must do the best possible workouts. That means using big, compound exercises that allow for consistent improvement. This can be any combination of bodyweight, barbell, and dumbbell exercises. In fact, in Better Body by Minimalism you get FOUR done-for-you programs; three use a combination of free-weights and bodyweight exercises and one is bodyweight-only.

2) Quality Matters

Just using the best exercises and programs isn't enough. Sure, you'll be doing less (as in fewer exercises and total number of workouts) but to achieve results you MUST have high quality workouts. This is accomplished by putting 100 percent focus and effort into every rep of every exercise you perform, and you see exactly how in Better Body by Minimalism.

3) Progression is Mandatory (and Fun!)

You can't do the same workout with the same exercises for the same number of sets and reps over and over again and expect to keep getting results. You must improve your performance if you want to transform your body. In Better Body by Minimalism you're given exact, simple instructions for how to improve your performance every workout, so there's zero guesswork involved.

4) Keep Nutrition (Super!) Simple

This is easily the area that can cause the greatest amount of stress, but not when you follow minimalist nutrition guidelines. Eating, the minimalist way, is all about keeping things as simple and stress-free as possible. There's no dieting or obsessive eating habits to follow, and no forbidden foods or other crazy rules. Just 7 simple, flexible guidelines that turn into effortless habits. The main goal with nutrition is to not only achieve the body-transformation and health results you desire, but also to spend the least amount of time possible thinking about food. Minimalist nutrition guidelines will get you there so eating well will just be something you do, and won't have to think about.

5) Be Consistent

If you want results that last long-term, you must be able to do these things (eat well and work out) consistently. This is where the minimalist approach really shines. Because it's so simple and doesn't take much time, practicing these things day after day, and even into the future, is easier than ever. Sound good? Wonderful! Let's look inside the Better Body by Minimalism e-book.

A Look Inside Better Body by Minimalism

The complete guide to building a better body, the minimalist way. better body by minimalism

What IS Better Body by Minimalism? The guide for achieving extraordinary results with the bare essentials of strength training, nutrition, and other important components.

You'll get EVERYTHING you need, and nothing you don't. There's zero guess-work because it's a done-for-you guide. You won't just be told what to do - you'll get all the tools you need to take action. If you're overwhelmed and sick and tired of strict diets and crazy workout schedules, or you simply want to know, "What is the bare minimum I need to do to achieve the best possible results?" then Better Body by Minimalism is for you.

Here's a closer look inside Better Body by Minimalism:

Some of the main chapters are:

THE POWER OF MINIMALISM - this chapter explains why the minimalist approach is so effective, the amazing benefits you'll experience, and why it'll not only allow you to build a better body, but maintain it long-term.

FIVE BETTER BODY BY MINIMALISM GUIDELINES - these five guidelines are the foundation of the minimalist approach; they're the bare essentials - anything else is unnecessary.

MINIMALIST NUTRITION - see how simple nutrition really is, and there's NO dieting or crazy eating habits involved - just 7 simple, enjoyable, flexible guidelines that turn into effortless, life-long habits.

4 Minimalist Workout Programs!

minimalist workout routinesWhat about minimalist workout routines?

Yep! You also get four unique minimalist strength training programs.

MINIMALIST STRENGTH TRAINING ROUTINES - you'll get FOUR done-for-you strength training routines. Each calls for just three workouts per week and take approximately 30-40 minutes each:

  • Minimalist WEIGHT TRAINING Routine - as the name implies, this routine uses a combination of free-weight exercises (dumbbells, barbells, and your own bodyweight).
  • Minimalist BODYWEIGHT Routine - the perfect routine if you want the ability to work out anywhere, or you simply need a break from heavy weight training.
  • Minimalist REST/PAUSE Routine - definitely an advanced strength training routine that uses a combination of barbell and dumbbell exercises.
  • MOVE MORE, REST LESS Routine - the perfect routine for those who want to keep moving as much as possible or want a new challenge.

Every routine can be performed with a combination of barbells and/or dumbbells, and your bodyweight (the bodyweight routine doesn't require equipment, but a suspension trainer or chin-up bar is recommended). And if you need help with necessary exercise substitutions, please contact me and I'll gladly help.

EXTENDERS TO ALL WORKOUT PROGRAMS - What's an extender? you may be wondering. All of the minimalist strength training programs last a minimum of eight weeks each, and every program has Extenders (e.g. different exercises, advanced techniques, etc) to change up the routines so you can keep getting results and shake things up so you don't get bored. You can literally perform years worth of workouts (and even create your own) with the done-for-you programs and Extenders.

VIDEO DEMONSTRATIONS FOR ALL EXERCISES - you'll get over 50 demonstration videos. Don't worry - you don't have to save them to your devices. The videos are privately hosted on YouTube so all you have to do is click an exercise and the video will pop up. exercise video demonstrations THE MINIMALIST CHEAT SHEET - 3 simple steps to put everything into action. Don't worry about "Where should I start?" because you'll be told exactly what to do so you get on (and stay on!) the fast track to success.

AND MUCH MORE such as:

  • The awesome things you GAIN when you take the minimalist approach
  • How to choose which minimalist routine to start with and when/how to use them all
  • How to COMBINE workout routines for more variety and to work with your busy schedule (hint: combining one of the weight routines with the bodyweight-only routine)
  • How, and when, to include cardio

. . . and more, but I think you get the point!

Better Body by Minimalism is the complete guide that provides you with the bare essentials (of strength training, nutrition, and other important elements) you need to achieve extraordinary results you can maintain long-term.

The minimalist way works. And here's another awesome benefit . . .

One of the Best Benefits - SAVE TIME

How much time do you currently spend working out each week? Or, if you currently don't work out, how much time do you want to spend each week doing so?

How much time do you spend thinking about what you're going to eat or trying to make "the healthiest choices"?

My friend, this is one of the BIGGEST benefits to embracing a minimalist approach - you will save time.

How? So glad you asked.

  • By not only performing fewer total strength training workouts per week (typically 3) but shorter workouts. Don't worry! Just because you're working out less and for a shorter period of time than most programs, you're still going to get great results. That's because the minimalist programs focus on quality, not quantity. The result? More results in less time.
  • You'll also save time from not constantly thinking about good food choices and eating habits. Many popular diets and eating plans are complicated, so you end up spending a ton of mental time and energy analyzing everything you eat, and when. But with minimalist nutrition guidelines, you'll soon develop sustainable, lifestyle habits that just become something you do without having to waste time thinking about it.

This is all possible - saving time while still achieving amazing results - because you'll focus exclusively on the bare essentials that provide the greatest benefits, and nothing else.

"My husband and I follow your weight training techniques. We lift mindfully, methodically and with (I hope) correct form, 3 days a week in "the big boy gym". Nothing crazy, just slow, old school. We progressively up our weights. Off days are active rest with fun stuff. We never spend more than 45 minutes in the gym and that includes a nice dynamic warm up. We work our diet, too. At 65 and 64 years old, we feel fab and are in the best shape of our lives. No injuries, listen to our bodies and back off if something just "isn't right" on a given day. No puddles of sweat or vomit. I have always been slender and found it hard to put on muscle with my rheumatoid arthritis. I'm FINALLY packing on muscle and getting STRONG. Our middle age guts are gone and we are seeing the beginnings of a 6 pack, lol! We refuse to go down the path of frailty, falls and a slow decline like so many seniors that we see. We're livin' our life. Thanks Nia!" -Barbara W.

Here's another look at everything you'll receive:

  • Better Body by Minimalism Manual

    Everything you need to achieve maximum results in minimum time. Included are the 5 Better Body by Minimalism Guidelines. These are the bare essentials you need to be successful.

  • Minimalist Nutrition

    No dieting. No deprivation. You'll receive the 7 simple, flexible nutrition guidelines for achieving your performance and body composition goals. It doesn't get easier than this.

  • 4 Strength Training Programs

    You'll receive four minimalist-style strength training workout programs: Weight Training, Bodyweight-Only, Rest/Pause, and Move More/Rest Less.

  • Program Extenders

    I show you exactly how to modify the 4 strength training programs so you can keep working out for years with a new, fresh program. Also great for ensuring you don't get bored!

  • Fast, Effective Workouts

    The workouts can be completed in approximately 30-40 minutes. You only need to perform 3 workouts per week.

  • Equipment Used

    Every routine can be performed with a combination of barbells and/or dumbbells, and your bodyweight (the bodyweight routine doesn't require equipment, but a suspension trainer or chin-up bar is recommended).

  • Exercise Videos

    You'll see exactly how to perform every exercise correctly. Just click the exercise and the video will pop up. (Privately hosted on YouTube.)

  • Minimalist Cheat Sheet

    The 3 simple steps to put everything into action. Don't worry about "Where should I start?" because you'll be told exactly what to do.

  • Instant Access

    Everything is conveniently packaged in a single PDF file that you can view from any device.

  • Secure Checkout

    Your information is safe with the fast, secure checkout.

  • Satisfaction Guarantee

    If you're not satisfied, get a refund within 30 days.

  • “I completed day 1 of my trek into Better Body by Minimalism and I gotta say thank you! I love the way you explain everything and the immediately accessible links to the vids are super convenient. This is exactly what I needed. Thank you!” -Anonymous
  • I have to thank you. I 'm now in week 4 of Better Body by Minimalism and, after starting to feel like my shape was never going to change it did! I put on a slim fitting button-up that for months now I’ve only been able to wear unbuttoned. As I prepared to wear as norm I decided to give the buttons a shot and every single one of them buttoned and I still had room to spare in the shirt. I cried. I love this plan, the simplistic nature and the ability to not be required to push every day to the limit. This fits my life and, though they be little now, I set new PRs every workout. Picking up my 5yr old son and my almost-9yr old stepdaughter have never felt so effortless. This is what I needed to save my sanity. -Sara E.
    Sara E.

Ready to Get Started?

The sooner you start, the sooner you'll achieve awesome, lasting results

Build a Better Body, The Minimalist Way

Better Body by Minimalism Guide

Minimalist Nutrition

4 Minimalist Strength Training Programs

Extenders to all programs

Video demonstrations for all exercises

BONUS! You'll also get the 10-week 3x3x3 Minimalist Program

Instant access

Details About the Bonus

With purchase of Better Body by Minimalism you'll also receive the 10-week 3x3x3 Minimalist Program.

3x3x3 programThe 3x3x3 program is a 10-week minimalist program.

As the name implies, the program consists of:

  • 3 total body workouts, per week
  • 3 main exercises per workout
  • 3 sets per exercise

There's also an optional fourth workout that's bodyweight-only, so you can do it at home (great if you want to boost fat loss, or build muscle).

  • “I just completed the 10 week 3x3x3 program and I have to say my body has never looked better!” -Janet M.
    Janet M.
  • "First and foremost - THANK YOU! I'm currently working out based on the first method: Minimalist Weight Training Routine. I've completed 8 workouts each of WO 1 and WO 2 and I love it!! I'm tracking my progress in a small book and as you suggested - it helps beyond words! I've lost a couple of inches already, and still maintained a healthy/steady weight ... I've gained immense confidence to walk into the weights section of the gym, and also made a handful of new friends. Despite always being active and fit I was never able to do a push up! Now I can do three!" -Amruta G.

If You Hate It . . .

Then I don’t want your money. You have no risk – there’s a 30 day money-back satisfaction guarantee.

I’m Here to Help

nia shanksYou’re not alone once you purchase Better Body by Minimalism If you have any questions or need any guidance along the way, I’m here to help.

My goal is to ensure you finally get the results you want and deserve, so I’ll do whatever I can to make that happen.

If you have any questions after you make your purchase (I’m here to help you) or you’re not fully satisfied, please contact me immediately right here.

What Type of File is the Guide?

The great news is that Better Body by Minimalism, and the BONUS 3x3x3 Minimalist Program, are convenient PDF files you can view on any device. All you need is Adobe Reader (or a free PDF app if viewing from a smartphone or tablet). 

No physical products are shipped. This is an electronic product: you'll get instant access.

Want MORE Proof?

Here’s what people are reporting …

"I just started your Minimalist program! I love it and sweat my ass off! I can't wait to do the 3X3x3 program next. Your workouts are smart and super effective. Just for reference I'm a very active 46 year old who does everything from CF to Yoga. I own a Pilates studio and love the addition of your strength training with my own routine." -Brooke F.

"I have to say thank you. I am now in week 4 of Better Body by Minimalism and, after starting to feel like my shape was never going to change it did! I put on a slim fitting button-up that for months now I’ve only been able to wear unbuttoned. As I prepared to wear as norm I decided to give the buttons a shot and every single one of them buttoned and I still had room to spare in the shirt. I cried. I love this plan, the simplistic nature and the ability to not be required to push every day to the limit. This fits my life and, though they be little now, I set new PRs every workout. Picking up my 5yr old son and my almost-9yr old stepdaughter have never felt so effortless. This is what I needed to save my sanity." -Sara E.

I own all of your training programs…I’m not exaggerating when I say it’s changed my life…I’ve been doing your programs for the last 1.5 + years and have seen more progress in that time than any other.” -Kerry K.
I wanted to make sure I thanked you for helping me meet my goals…I killed them all!Thanks again for your great programs and advice. They work!” -Jill S.
I’d like to take this opportunity to say how completely happy I am with your approach to fitness/wellness! I love that you don’t fluff up your products with extra information that just gets in the way. I love that your workouts have built in progression that constantly pushes me outside my comfort zone. I’ve made impressive strength gains in the first 5 weeks alone and look forward to what’s next! Thank you also for keeping the price of your products affordable.” -LeAnn
Following the basics and just eating real food (most of the time) and stopping when I’m full is helping me so much mentally!! I haven’t wanted to binge and I’m naturally losing weight without having to worry about it so much. No food scale no measuring everything, just eyeballing portions. I feel so free and so normal … I truly from the bottom of my heart thank you for helping me find good information that isn’t the new quick fix etc just allowing me to be a real human and be myself again.” -Kelly D.
I can testify that all your methods and information work…I’m 48 and I’ve used your guidance and lost 5 inches from my waist and slimmed down and muscled up every other body part too. lol. No dieting!! Just keeping it sane & simple. Thanks Nia for your inspiration and information.” -Bonnie F.
My mom came back from a checkup and told me she’s lost 25lbs in the last 5 months and over 12 inches from her waist. She’s gone from a size 20-22+ to a 12! Special thanks to Nia Shanks for providing such incredible information. She refers to you as ‘that badass girl’. I’ve watched her try and fail every year for the last 20 years. Thank you for changing our lives!” -Felisha P.
“I just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to Nia. I can’t even put into words how grateful I am to her. The entire Lift Like A Girl program & info has saved me…I just wanted her to know she has changed my life and I’ve never been happier, healthier and more comfortable in my own skin.” -Katherine
I’ve only just found your site and have seen my body change in the last three weeks by following your advice; and I was already relatively fit and healthy.” -Kate Y.
“I want to thank you a million times for your workouts. The way my body and mind have changed is incredible. I even have my mom who just turned 60 doing them as well. She loves it!” -Nikki F.
“… The goal of performance improvement rather than weight loss has changed my life… It is SMART, REALISTIC, and the most doable approach to fitness for pragmatic people like me.” -Iris
“I decided to throw out my scale and measuring tape when I started your program, I can already visibly see more muscle definition in addition to being able to lift more and more weight. So glad I got your program. You’re awesome!” -Olivia
“I’m a long term reader of your site and I wanted to thank you for speaking in a language I understand … I no longer fad diet, criticize myself when I eat a treat or judge myself by a number on a scale … I don’t judge my worth based on how few calories I can consume. Instead, I revel in my numerous victories like being able to deadlift, or interval sprint, or walk three miles within getting out of breath.” -Lynne A.
“I just wanted to send you an email to say Thank You. Thank you for your blog, your programs, your YouTube videos – thank you for everything you’ve put out there! I finally feel like I have a program that I can stick with and that is working. I enjoy my workouts instead of dreading them! I can see improvement every time I go to the gym, which is so encouraging … I feel like I’ve lost 25lbs of guilt and shame … I walk a bit taller and feel a bit stronger every day. And all I have to do is lift heavy things and eat real food, what a concept!! I’m looking forward to continuing my strength training journey, and I wanted you to know, that even though I’ve never met you, you have truly made a difference in my life. Thank you!” -Nicole

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: I’m happy with my weight and how I look, so how can this help me if I’m not interested in “building a better body”?

Answer: Great question! You’ll see in the first chapter of the book that the definition of a “better body” has little to do with how you look. A better body means way more such as feeling great, having high energy levels, being strong, and being proud of what your bodycan do, and definitely making your overall life more awesome. Whether you’re happy with how you look or need to lose excess weight for health reasons, you can achieve it with Better Body by Minimalism.

Question: I need more than just being told “eat this” and “don’t eat this”. How is the nutrition information different?

Answer: Minimalism nutrition is definitely different. You’ll receive 7 simple, flexible guidelines that turn into effortless habits, and you’ll see exactly how to start implementing them in your life. You’ll focus on the few things that matter most – this means less stress and frustration.

Question: Is there just one workout program?

Answer: Nope! There are four unique minimalist workout programs (five if you get the PREMIUM package). They include a combination of free weight and bodyweight programs. Get the details above.

Question: What if I don’t know how to perform an exercise?

Answer: No problem! Every single exercise includes a demonstration video!

Question: It’s one thing being told what to do, but how will you help me put the information into action?

Answer: This is exactly what I created the “Minimalist Cheat Sheet” in Better Body by Minimalism. You’ll get a step-by-step plan so you know exactly what to do – no guess work involved!

Question: How does Better Body by Minimalism actually “save time”?

Answer: Because you’ll perform fewer workouts per week, for one. But with the minimalism nutrition guidelines you’ll no longer waste time and mental energy stressing about nutrition and what to eat.

Final Reminders:

  • Better Body by Minimalism is the guide that provides the bare essentials of strength training (including FOUR done-for-you workout routines that include exercise demonstration videos; there are over 50), nutrition guidelines, awesome mindset tactics, and a Cheat Sheet for extraordinary results. Oh, and don't forget the BONUS 3x3x3 Program.
  • No physical products are shipped – Better Body by Minimalism and the 10-week 3x3x3 Program are PDF files and you’ll receive immediate access via email after payment.
  • View from any device! The guide comes in PDF format – all you need is Adobe Reader or a free PDF viewing app.
  • Not satisfied? Then I don’t want your money. You have no risk with a 30 day money-back satisfaction guarantee.
Build a Better Body, The Minimalist Way

Better Body by Minimalism Guide

Minimalist Nutrition

4 Minimalist Strength Training Programs

Extenders to all programs

Video demonstrations for all exercises

BONUS! You'll also get the 10-week 3x3x3 Minimalist Program

Instant access

  • “I own all of your training programs…I’m not exaggerating when I say it’s changed my life…I’ve been doing your programs for the last 1.5 + years and have seen more progress in that time than any other.” -Kerry K.
    Kerry K.